How to determine the quality of growth hormone in practice

Today, almost any person involved in power sports has the opportunity to buy growth hormone. However, to be sure that the purchased product is not a fake, no one can be. The huge demand for samatotropin in the world of sports gives rise to an even greater number of offers – from long-established pharmaceutical giants to recently emerged and quickly gained the trust of users of private companies. Therefore, anyone who values their money and even more health will not be out of place to know how to determine in practice the quality of the purchased product.

The best methods for determining the active substance and its quality in the preparation of growth hormone

How to determine the quality of growth hormone in practice

Among the most reliable, optimal and accessible to a wide range of athletes methods of checking the quality of growth hormone are the following:

  • medical tests against the background of the production of your own growth hormone (STH);
  • biochemical analysis of the substance of the capsule.

Although the first method is more accessible than the second, nevertheless it can give only a superficial conclusion about the quality of the drug. All that remains is a chemical analysis using modern physicochemical methods. In practice, this method is not cheap. Therefore, the athlete, limited in finances, can only rely on a number of some methods that are not entirely objective in nature.

Features of the method for determining STH using medical analysis

The method of checking the quality of synthetic growth hormone on itself has long been included in practice, worked out to the smallest detail and has a fixed algorithm of actions:

An analysis is made for your own STH for a certain time before the start of the growth hormone course. In this case, it is necessary to take into account fluctuations in its natural concentration during the day, depending on the time of year, state of health, temperature, training, stress and other factors.

Repeated analysis is carried out against the background of the set 10 IU of the drug.

Verification of results and conclusion comparare masteron the quality of growth hormone.

It should be noted that, in a normal person, the level of STH varies over a wide range of concentration changes – from 0.1 ng / ml to 5 ng / ml. After the injection of a working quality drug, its value rises to 10-30ng / ml.

Subjective methods for assessing the quality of growth hormone

Regardless of whether the expensive French Humatrop or its Chinese inexpensive analogue of Getropin is used, it is possible to determine its working properties by the following signs:

By sucking air into the vial (when piercing the cap with a needle, a weakly audible hiss should appear, indicating a discharge of air inside).

According to the physiological reaction of the body (relief and reduction of pain in the joints with their chronic diseases, improved pumping during training when taking the drug immediately before class, improving the quality and depth of sleep when eating it at night).

How to determine the quality of growth hormone in practice

According to the degree of edema (a quality drug does not cause subcutaneous fluid retention).

In addition, a low-quality animal preparation or samototropin causes itching and irritation of the skin at the injection site, as well as the effect of the tunnel syndrome, joint swelling and muscle clogging.

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